Thursday 10 May 2012

Practical information and links

All images student work 

This blog will be in support of the course curriculum. There will be information about interiors, decorative aspects, materials information and general inspiration and some further links for further reading and researching.

Remember that you need to be proactive and look for and try out a range of design applications and solutions to the practical and creative aspect of design – in our outside of your study.

Please feel free to send me links to good sources that you think will benefit the purpose of this blog.

Centre for alternative technology:

English Heritage/Listed Buildings

National Trust (for information and visitor information on important buildings)

Greenbuild information (some links seem not to work fully)

Building materials glossary:

Decorating glossary:

Surface design/applications
Lists exhibitors and contact details (for product information and materials research)


How to paint.. video examples of ‘how to’ (please note these are purely for examples of what you can search for yourself on youtube etc):

Search a supplier British Institute of Interior Design:

Other related links: